pine branch drawing drawing of pine boughs
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books, essays, poems
Condensed Matter and Other States of Mind - A Collection of poems by Douglas A. Fowler " The average density of the universe is something like 0.0000000000000000000000000001 kilograms per cubic meter (10-28 kg/m3). One cubic meter of granite weighs some 2700 kilograms. This book's density is 550 kg/m3. Your body weighs in at about 1100 kg/m3, a density that is some 10 million trillion trillion times that of the universe. Our condensation from the void would seem to be the exception; not the rule."
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No War No More -Edited by Arya F. Jenkins  "We take a stand for peace, independently and collectively, artistically and politically. In these times it is imperative not to let slip through one's hands the opportunity to say again and again, with whatever means possible, creative and peaceful, that war is wrong, that love is the only path to peace, justice and freedom, and that we will not veer from this path no matter the consequences. This idea fed this project and I hope will feed the minds and hearts of those who share in our efforts by reading this book."
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WNWG Presents "The WNWG is a unique writing club based in Youngstown Ohio. Four authors and friends, each specializing in different genres and styles, have come together to form the Wednesday Night Writing Group. Together, we will take you on a journey into the funny, twisted, macabre and at times surreal realm of our imagination. Join us as we explore the mysterious, the magical, and the utterly absurd as we take you on an adventure through our oft-twisted mindscape."
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Greenwood/Blue Lotus Press"Greenwood/Blue Lotus Press grew out of the ideas and hopes of a few activists in the Mahoning Valley in Ohio. The philosophy of our press is rooted in a Buddhist, environmentalist and social consciousness."
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WNWG Illustrations - artwork commissioned by Youngstown Writers Group...
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The Stuff of Creation - An informal primer on municipal solid waste and its connection to the use of natural resources, this multi-media project is written by Doug Fowler ...
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Natural Anthem - environmental adventures in inalienableness...
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in the artist's studio
Arya Francesca Jenkins
Donna Brennan
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scarf from Carol Carol to keep us warm
Carol to keep us warm
Janice to carry good food
  stained glass
Betsy and Bob to colour our light
John to look and see

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 to carry good food
 to carry good food  
 to carry good food

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 to carry good food

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Diana Ludwig 2411 Belltown Road Clarington, PA 15828 330-530-2659
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