Illustration, Design & Fine Art by Diana Ludwig

Science Art One (astronomical)

Science Art Two (botanical)

Science Art Three (The Stuff of Creation)

Science Art Four (Fowler's Star Stuff)

Condensed Matter & other states of mind poetry chapbook by Douglas Fowler

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The Stuff of Creation

These are illustrations for an on-going multi-media project called The Stuff Of Creation; An informal primer on municipal solid waste and its connection to the use of natural resources written by Doug Fowler.

Excerpt : "From the nuclear fires of creation came the subsidy for our entire material economy.  When you hold metal cans, glass jars, styrofoam cups, and old newspapers, you hold the stuff of creation. Each is made of elements born in the hearts of stars. Even the material of life itself came from the stars. As Carl Sagan observed:'We are made of star stuff.'1"
1Sagan,C. (1973). The cosmic connection. New York: Dell Publishing. p 190.

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canning jar   glass Ball canning jaraluminum aluminum cansreturnable soda pop bottle returnable soda pop bottlenewspapers
recycled paper makes treesHappy Trees over the library trees happy to see books borrowedwhere Phone Books Come Fromhuge trees made into phone bookslogging truck
stuff of stars materials from the starspulp woodtrash measuring lab exercise  weighing trash lab exerciserecycled paper lets trees grow
Weighing one's trash weighing one's trashlandfilling recyclables landfilling recyclablesweighing benefits + costs weighing benefits & costs    composting composting        
tree love trees happy to see a newspaper sharedstump pile of paperbirches Birchescarrying a tree he ain't heavy
a single day's discarded TV's would be higher than Everest  The tv's thrown away in one day stack higher than Everestresource treatment equals treatment of humanity how we treat our resources on earthJolly Happy Mall Happy Jolly Mallgarbage waste
Fresh Kills dwarfs Giza pyramids Fresh Kills overwhelms the Giza Pyramidsworld as trash bintin woodsman & C-3PO on the recycling conveyor belt C-3PO going down the recycling conveyor beltpulp mills pulp mills
The following are Doug Fowler's photographs taken as part of this ongoing project:

star trails on Blue Mountainbanded iron formation in Minnesota wintergreenyoung homo sapien feeding on ericacea
star trails over the Appalachain Trail on the Blue Mountain in Pennsylvaniabanded iron formation, Ishpeming, Michiganwintergreen (ericacea family) in the Quehanna Wild Area Pennsylvaniayoung homo-sapien feeding on ericacea fruit
Quaker State Motor OilMarathon Handy OilerTrees Overhead
Sunoco oil canHandy Oiler

view from the Grand TetonTeton Mountainsmountains & lake
view from the Grand Teton